In 1992,  Dr. Gary Chapman wrote a book called “The Five Love Languages”.  It was a very popular book, and still sells today.  It attempts to show how to express heartfelt commitment to your mate.  Below are those five concepts, that really are common sense if you think about it.  Remember these, and throw in an additional card from “Bring Back the Romance” and you relationship can only improve for the better:
  1. Words of affirmation…simply say Thank You and let them know how much they mean to you.
  2. Quality time…undivided attention…every day, without the cell phone!
  3. Receiving gifts…surprise your partner often…just the small things 🙂 It lets them know you are always thinking about them…like a romantic card 🙂
  4. Acts of service…Work together and ease each others every day burden. Ask each other what would make their life easier if you did a simple chore?
  5. Physical touch…hand-holding, hugs, small massages. This is the most direct way to communicate love. It can heal and reassure.
Not everyone expresses their love in the same way, so being aware of these 5 “love languages” can help you understand your relationship better.  This book is a good read.  Get it 🙂