Welcome to Mickeysfun !!…and our “Bring Back the Romance” Cards for Couples


Beginnings: About 20 years ago, Mickey, who is quite romantic, came to the realization that the “romantic love” cards, that he wanted to give to his Significant Other, just don’t exist in stores.

Going to a grocery store or drug store, one gets a simple “dull” card, with a standard bouquet of flowers and a mushy rhyme inside. Or, at the other end of the spectrum, going to an “adult” store, card offerings are just plain unacceptable.

So, Mickey set out to start developing cards that were actually tasteful, sexy, romantic, playful and sensual. Believing that love was an action verb, he wanted the cards to actually encourage couples to set up times to show their love and not just say it.

Many couples are in love, but the romantic steam is just not the same as it was in the beginning. So, the cards started to develop as a means to incite action between couples. Unfortunately, the “Bring Back the Romance” concept sat in a file for too many years, until recently.


Today: Mickey remembered the words of Joseph Campbell …”Follow Your Bliss”, and finally decided to act on his.  He began market studies on social media and in the real world to determine plausibility. He explored manufacturers, and started with his own photographers to get the shots that would catch the eye and enlighten the romantic mind, and of course found a great friend to help with the website! Now, we present you the first 50 cards to tickle your romantic nature and either re-awaken or strengthen the bond you already share with your Significant Other (SO). The cards are purchased in groups of 1, 4, 8 or 12, with envelopes and include free shipping.  A beautiful, glossy black sensual free box, with our logo is also available.

The Future: We have only just begun to explore the possibilities…and will rely upon your feedback as we grow.  We plan on 200 cards in the next 12 months and will take to heart your ideas and suggestions.  We feel confident that we are just beginning to open a door that can serve relationships in a very positive light.

Remember that these cards may take some preparation on your part and should push you to be creative and experimental, remembering that LOVE is an action verb ! Push the boundaries of love with your partner and connect on a deeper level. Please read our section on “Using our cards”.

With 12 cards and envelopes in a sensual box, you will always have that card ready and available when the mood strikes, because you get to choose which 12 (or 8 or 4) you want!


We have been fortunate to gather some great, fun minds. We have all enjoyed putting this project together.

Bring Back the Romance cards are retailed on this website at a price you can’t find in stores, and are now ready for wholesale. So, feel free to contact us, if “Bring Back the Romance” is what you want on your shelves.


Love should be what the world thrives on 24/7, but these cards belong to the private love between you and your partner!!


Welcome to Bring Back the Romance.  We hope you enjoy browsing and will find the cards that fit your relationship.