
…and thanks for taking a peek in here

There is a purpose to Mickeysfun and our “Bring Back the Romance” cards, for which we hope you will put them to their most beneficial use. We do believe “Love” is an action verb, but many times it takes a little extra preparation, which can also lead to great anticipation and the beauty of foreplay.

When you are ready to give a card, give some thought as to what you are hoping to achieve by giving it. Many cards will already make suggestions for you, but you should use your own words to make the card even better. Nobody knows your significant other (SO) better than you do, so use your imagination and push the right buttons.

Beyond giving the card, maybe you have to get certain ingredients for a dinner or dessert, maybe a bottle of wine, some flowers, a deck of cards or a board game.

Men are visual creatures, so women might consider more sensual attire, and guys, you MUST remember that women are much more, for the most part, interested in your words, creativity, sense of humor and imagination. Nothing is limited to either gender….and please see our section on Body Image, as it is of great importance to all.

So, maybe you have to buy theater or movie tickets ahead of time and place them in the card. Perhaps you have to prepare his/her wardrobe for your going out or for playing an adventure at home.

Our goal is that you will give these cards to your SO ahead of a “play” date, and provide you both with anticipation and preliminary actions (it’s all foreplay). Other days/nights, when the mood strikes, you can quickly select a card for a “NOW” moment…that massage, that couch movie under the blankets, that glass of wine, etc.

In any case, we hope the cards are just the tip of the iceberg to your thoughts and ideas of Bringing Back the Romance.

Have fun loving each other.